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Sump Pumps


Sump pumps help to remove surplus water from around the foundation of a house, protecting the basement from unwanted water from entering the building. Activated by rising water, a sump pump sits in the basement below floor level in a hole known as a sump basin, it pumps out water that collects in the sump basin and discharges it to the outdoors.

The technicians at Via Plumbing and Heating can help you to re-route older sump systems if needed, install a new pump and set up an annual maintenance strategy to ensure safe operation.

In homes where the basement is below ground there will usually be a sump basin somewhere in the house or there will be a catch basin outside that collect excess water that surrounds your home when there is heavy rainfall, snow or any other situation when the ground has more moisture in it then usual.  When your yard is dry on top, the soil under and around your basement can be moist or even quite wet. In many homes a basement sump pump is working steadily, maintaining acceptable water levels in your basement.

Sump pumps should be checked annually because regular maintenance is the best policy for ensuring the sump pump is in good working order and protecting your home from being flooded.